Tips for working in isolation

Stormy Lake is a networked business of professionals scattered across western Canada, often working from remote locations. Much like we are all going to need to do for the foreseeable future.

Over the past 18 years, we’ve acquired some habits and best practices that make this an extremely efficient and rewarding way to work.

Here’s what we have learned:

    1. See people. Even if it is for a quick call, use video to actually look at them. Connect with your team, by phone or video, at least once per day.

    2. Talk about life. Start every call with a few minutes about non-work things, and non-COVID things if you can. We work with people, not robots.

    3. Let go of video-chat frustration. There are lags and dropped calls. Voice quality can be annoying. Be patient and don't hesitate to restart the call.

    4. Try to avoid having more than 4 people in a video meeting. Difficult for everyone to participate. Better to have multiple calls.

    5. Don’t multi-task when you video chat. This can be very hard to do. Quit your e-mail program and turn off your phone.

    6. Don’t get lost in text and e-mails. Live interaction is more efficient and keeps you in contact with other humans. Phone or video whenever you can.

    7. Set an expectation for a start time every day. It doesn’t have to be the same for everyone. Let people take advantage of the flexibility. Then don’t contact people before they start work. Respect end-of-the-workday times just as strongly.

    8. Give yourself back your commute. If you would normally leave the house at 8 and start at 8:30, start at 8:30 and spend the extra half hour on yourself. Ditto for the commute home.

    9. Meet to update progress, debate ideas and then set deadlines to meet again. Do everything in your power to meet deadlines.

    10. Use the time to dive into something complicated and meaty. You’ll have more time to think and fewer distractions.

    11. Dress for work. This doesn’t have to be normal workwear but have some clothing you wear “for work” and that you change out of at the end of the day. Helps create
      distance. Some people even “commute” by walking around the block to and from work.

    12. Stretch yourself. Take breaks on days where you are in office for long periods of time. Make yourself a way-better-than-the-food court lunch or take 20 minutes to stretch or go for a walk. It keeps your brain focused and maximizes productivity.

    13. Go for coffee. Self-isolation is not total isolation. Subject to public health guidance, get out into the community.

    14. If you are feeling lonely, play talk radio quietly in the background. Not loud enough to be distracting, but just to hear the murmur of other people.

    15. Buy a plant. It just feels good.

    16. End the week with a video wine-down or an un-beer-able meeting with your team. If it’s been a particularly difficult week, have an Old Fashioned vent session together.

    17. One day, work in your pajamas with a work-appropriate top. Just because you can. And don’t stand up to get anything during your meeting or it won’t be your secret.

If you have other tips and tricks, please e-mail me at and we’ll keep this as a living document.

Philip Coppard