The Cast Iron Covid Bathtub Model

Like you, we’ve got two questions: how long will this last and how well are people responding to the pandemic?

A classic consumer-journey model would suggest that we are going to go through five phases: freefall – coping – preparation – acceleration – high performance. We’ve nicknamed it the “cast iron bathtub model” because that is the first image that came to mind (and, to be honest, because it is a less threatening name than “the pandemic-driven recession recovery model”).


To answer both questions, we’ve started watching social media:

  • The COVID-19 conversation is surprisingly upbeat. Instagram remains a refuge of positivity and Twitter is mixed but moderately positive. People are talking about spending time with their families and gratitude towards medical professionals.

  • About 25% of all industry conversations are explicitly about COVID, more reference it indirectly and there is much more COVID conversation than industry conversation. 

We’ll be following this closely to get a sense when we start moving from coping to preparation.

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